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The Ultimate Guide to the 30-60-90 Day Plan for Onboarding Success

30-60-90 day onboarding plan

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In an era where the initial months of a new hire can dictate their long-term commitment to your organization, implementing a structured onboarding strategy is more crucial than ever. The stark reality, as unearthed by research, reveals that approximately 25% of employee turnover occurs within the first 45 days of employment. This statistic underlines the pressing need for an effective onboarding process—a need that the 30-60-90 day plan adeptly addresses.

Let’s explore the 30-60-90 day plan strategy and how you can start implementing it at your company.

What is a 30-60-90 Day Plan?

At its core, the 30-60-90 day plan is a strategic blueprint designed to navigate the onboarding journey of new employees through their first three months at an organization. By breaking down the process into manageable intervals—30 days for orientation, 60 days for deeper engagement, and 90 days for full integration—the plan ensures a comprehensive and smooth transition for newcomers.

Phase One: The First 30 Days – Laying the Foundations

Objective: Adaptation and Knowledge Acquisition

In the first 30 days, the emphasis is on helping new hires acclimate to the company culture, understand essential policies, and familiarize themselves with their roles. This phase is about laying the groundwork for their journey ahead.

As an example, consider Zappos’ approach, where new hires undergo a comprehensive orientation program that includes everything from company history to customer service philosophy, ensuring a deep understanding of the company’s values and expectations.

Key Actions:

  • Organize an Introduction Meeting: Kick off with a warm welcome meeting that not only introduces the new hire to the team but also outlines the journey ahead.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly articulate job responsibilities and success metrics, setting the stage for accountability and performance.
  • Facilitate Cultural Integration: Develop activities or sessions that specifically aim to immerse new hires in the company culture. This could include storytelling sessions from long-standing employees, participation in cultural rituals, or interactive games that reflect company values.
  • Provide a Comprehensive Tour: Whether virtually or in-person, a detailed tour of the office premises (or an introduction to the virtual tools and platforms) helps new hires feel more at home and reduces the anxiety associated with navigating a new environment.
  • Assign a Mentor or Buddy: Pair new hires with a seasoned mentor or buddy within the company. This relationship provides a direct line for questions, guidance, and a smoother adaptation process, following the lead of successful programs like those at Google.
  • Launch a Learning Path: Introduce a structured learning path that includes not only the necessary job training but also modules on company history, mission, and core values. This education is crucial for aligning new hires with the company’s strategic goals.
  • Initiate Networking Opportunities: Schedule informal meet-and-greets with key team members across the company, including cross-departmental introductions. This fosters a sense of belonging and aids in building a robust internal network.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish an early feedback loop where new hires can share their initial thoughts, experiences, and suggestions. This not only makes them feel valuable but also provides insights into further refining the onboarding process.

30-60-90 day plan for new hires

Phase Two: The Next 60 Days – Building Momentum

Objective: Integration and Skill Enhancement

During the 60-day mark, the focus shifts towards deeper integration into the team and the commencement of more challenging projects. It’s about building momentum and fostering a sense of belonging.

Consider Google’s approach of pairing new hires with a “buddy” or mentor. This program provides new hires with a go-to person for questions, thereby enhancing their learning and integration process.

Key Actions:

  • Expand Network Within the Company: Facilitate opportunities for new hires to broaden their internal network beyond their immediate team. This can include cross-departmental projects or participation in company-wide initiatives, helping them to understand the broader business context.
  • Introduce More Complex Projects: Gradually increase the complexity of the projects assigned to new hires. This approach challenges them and aids in the application of their growing knowledge and skills in more demanding scenarios.
  • Enhance Skill Set through Targeted Training: Identify any skill gaps and provide targeted training sessions or workshops. This could involve technical skills, soft skills like communication and leadership, or specialized training relevant to their role.
  • Promote Collaboration: Encourage new hires to lead a small team or a project. This not only boosts their confidence but also enhances their leadership and team management skills.
  • Implement a Midway Review: Conduct a formal midway review to discuss the new hire’s progress, achievements, and areas for improvement. This should be a detailed session that goes beyond regular check-ins, offering a chance for deeper reflection and goal adjustment.
  • Solicit Broader Feedback: In addition to one-on-one meetings, gather feedback from a wider range of colleagues who have interacted with the new hire. This provides a more holistic view of their integration and performance.
  • Encourage Self-assessment: Ask new hires to evaluate their own performance and progress. This self-assessment encourages introspection and self-directed growth, making them more engaged in their development process.
  • Formalize the Integration with Team Rituals: If not already done, involve new hires in team rituals or traditions. Whether it’s a weekly team lunch, a monthly outing, or a quarterly volunteering day, these activities strengthen bonds and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Set Short-term Goals for the Next Phase: Towards the end of the 60-day period, work with the new hire to set specific short-term goals for the next 30 days. These goals should be ambitious yet achievable, pushing the new hire towards greater autonomy and contribution.

Phase Three: The Final 30 Days – Achieving Autonomy

Objective: Autonomy and Goal Alignment

Reaching the 90-day milestone, the new hire should feel fully integrated and comfortable in their role. This phase is about reinforcing their autonomy and aligning their long-term goals with those of the organization.

For example, Salesforce’s V2MOM model, an acronym for Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, and Measures, guides employees in aligning their personal goals with the company’s strategic objectives.

Key Actions:

  • Launch Leadership Initiatives: Encourage new hires to propose and lead a new initiative or project that aligns with their strengths and interests. This fosters innovation and demonstrates trust in their capabilities.
  • Develop a Personalized Career Pathway: Work with the new hire to outline a personalized career development plan. This should include potential future roles, skills to acquire, and steps to get there, ensuring alignment with the company’s future needs and individual aspirations.
  • Institute Regular Goal-Setting Meetings: Establish a routine of regular goal-setting meetings beyond the 90-day mark. This ensures continuous alignment of the employee’s objectives with the evolving goals of the organization.
  • Engage in Cross-Functional Projects: Introduce opportunities for the new hire to work on cross-functional projects. This expands their understanding of the company and fosters collaboration across departments.
  • Encourage Mentorship Role: Invite them to become a mentor or buddy for incoming hires. This role not only reinforces their knowledge and integration into the company culture but also helps build leadership and coaching skills.
  • Initiate Advanced Training and Education: Identify opportunities for advanced training, certifications, or education that can help the new hire progress in their career path within the company. This could be through external courses, conferences, or internal training programs.
  • Provide Access to Leadership Forums: Give new hires the opportunity to attend leadership meetings or forums. This exposure can offer insights into the strategic direction of the company and how their work contributes to broader objectives.
  • Facilitate Feedback from a Wider Circle: Organize a 360-degree feedback session, allowing the new hire to receive constructive feedback from a wider range of colleagues, including those they’ve worked with on projects or in cross-functional teams.
  • Celebrate the 90-Day Milestone: Recognize the completion of the initial 90-day onboarding process with a celebration or acknowledgment. This can be a simple gesture of appreciation or a formal recognition in front of the team or company, underscoring their successful integration and contributions.

How the 30 60 90 Day Plan Helps to Reduce Employee Turnover?

How the 30-60-90  Day Plan Helps to Reduce Employee Turnover?

The 30-60-90 day plan is a strategic blueprint that significantly mitigates employee turnover by fostering a supportive and structured environment for new hires from day one. Initially, the plan focuses on acclimation and knowledge acquisition, ensuring that within the first 30 days, employees are well-versed in company culture and expectations. 

This early understanding reduces the overwhelm and disconnection that can lead to early departures. As we progress into the 60-day phase, the emphasis shifts to deeper integration and skill enhancement. 

By challenging new hires with progressively complex projects and enhancing their skills through targeted training, the plan ensures that employees feel both valued and capable, key factors in fostering long-term loyalty.

Furthermore, regular check-ins and feedback during this phase not only affirm the employee’s value to the team but also address any concerns that could lead to discontent. 

By the 90-day milestone, the plan has successfully transitioned new hires to fully integrated team members with a clear understanding of their roles and goals aligned with those of the organization. 

The autonomy achieved in this final phase empowers employees, giving them a sense of ownership over their projects and their place within the company. This sense of belonging and achievement is crucial in reducing the urge to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Final thoughts

The 30-60-90 day plan is not just a strategy—it’s a commitment to the success of your new hires. By carefully planning each phase of the onboarding process, you not only enhance the newcomer’s experience but also significantly improve retention rates. 

Remember, the ultimate goal is to transform new hires into fully integrated, productive, and engaged members of your team. Implementing this plan is your first step towards building a loyal and high-performing workforce.

30 60 90 Day Plan best practices

The Strategic Advantage of Hiring Virtual Assistants for Onboarding Excellence

The efficiency and effectiveness of your onboarding process can significantly impact your company’s growth and employee retention rates. While the 30-60-90 day plan lays a solid foundation for new hires, managing its intricacies can be quite demanding for your HR team, especially in larger organizations or those with a high volume of recruits. This is where the strategic hiring of HR Virtual Assistants becomes a game-changer.

The integration of Virtual Latinos’ Virtual Assistants into your onboarding strategy offers a unique blend of flexibility, expertise, and cost-effectiveness. By relieving the administrative burden on your HR department, VAs enable a more strategic focus on creating meaningful and engaging onboarding experiences. 

Moreover, their contribution goes beyond mere logistics; they bring innovation, diversity, and a global perspective that can significantly enrich your organizational culture and enhance employee satisfaction. 

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